Handmade trims for Nick’s fighting and court doublets. And thread-covered buttons for the latter. Now to have it all done by Queen’s, on May eleventh. Why do I do this to myself?
Handmade trims for Nick’s fighting and court doublets. And thread-covered buttons for the latter. Now to have it all done by Queen’s, on May eleventh. Why do I do this to myself?
I know, I know. I promised a run-down of the fox embroidery. But i realized that I have two projects that need to be wrapped up first. The biggest one is the Double-Headed Eagle pouch. This was embroidered as a Christmas present for a friend (and only finished 7 months late). It’s worked in long-and-short
Eagle Pouch: Completed Read Post »
So, I am planning to take some pictures of this awesome pouch that aren’t Instagram ones. Really. But for now, here’s the finished jobby.