Bryn Gwlad

Ansteorra, Bryn Gwlad, Calligraphy & Illumination

Court Barony Scroll for Sabina

I was commissioned by a friend to make, in secret, a Court Barony scroll for his wife, Sabina. He had some very specific ideas for what he wanted it to look like. He wanted a very long scroll, that could be unfolded (and unfolded and unfolded). He wanted a genealogy, going back to the line’s founder, […]

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Court Barony Scroll for Sabina Read Post »

Ansteorra, Bryn Gwlad, Calligraphy & Illumination

Lilium Aureum (part two): Painting the Scroll

Commence Part Two! The first thing I did was to fill in the rest of the calligraphy. I tend to be pretty confident when it comes to my calligraphy (I have a tendency to give one of my mentors heart attacks because when I work with other illuminators, I’ll do the calligraphy after theyre finished painting instead

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Ansteorra, Bryn Gwlad, Calligraphy & Illumination, Uncategorized

Lilium Aureum (part one): Creating a new charter

Not too long ago, at our local Larurel’s Prize Tourney (I have picture of that coming soon), I was approached and asked to design a charter for a new children’s A&S award. For those of you unfamiliar, a charter is a scroll that has spaces left blank for the recipient’s name, the date, royal signatures,


Lilium Aureum (part one): Creating a new charter Read Post »

14th Century, Ansteorra, Bryn Gwlad, Embroidery, Fiber Arts, Medieval

German Brickwork Reliquary Box

Part the second! To start with, I used a paper mache box, like these ones, and cut off the top and bottom circles. I chose some silk I had in my stash; the colors don’t match, but since the original inspiration seemed to be cut from leftover scraps and pieces of re-used tapestry, I thought

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German Brickwork Reliquary Box Read Post »

14th Century, Ansteorra, Bryn Gwlad, Embroidery, Fiber Arts, Medieval

German Brickwork Embroidery

Ever since I dyed some of my silk tram, I’ve been thinking that I should do some brickwork embroidery. The long parallel stitches really show how beautiful the shine of the silk can be. I didn’t want to do a pouch, though. Everyone does pouches, and while I’m okay with that, I wanted to do

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German Brickwork Embroidery Read Post »

Ansteorra, Bryn Gwlad, Embroidery, Fiber Arts, Medieval

Shields: Finished!

They’re done! And just in time, too. My lovely Baron and Baroness have decided to step down at Candlemas, in February, so I wanted to make sure that they cloaks were finished and wearable for our Yule celebration in December. I kind of forgot to take more incremental pictures of Avery’s shield. Oops. The blue

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Shields: Finished! Read Post »

Ansteorra, Bryn Gwlad, Calligraphy & Illumination

Scribal Playdate, Part the First

A couple of very lovely, wonderful ladies got together last Saturday and threw a Scribal Play Date for those of us who were interested in learning some intermediate scribal techniques. It was almost ten hours of scribal classes and experimentation, and we still didn’t get around to mixing pigments and painting. I’m going to break

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Scribal Playdate, Part the First Read Post »

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