Welcome Opus Elenae!

I am a historical recreationist making videos about medieval and renaissance historical sewing, calligraphy and scribal arts, tutorials, and more. I mainly play in the SCA but also veer into fantasy LARP and Renaissance festival territory.

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  • Medieval Snow Day
    It snowed yesterday! It rarely does this at all in Texas, and almost never this much. I had to take advantage of the situation and get some photos of me in all my wool outerwear.
  • Video: Making an Edwardian Skirt (and Bustle Pad!)
    IN WHICH our intrepid recreatirix makes (yet another) Edwardian Walking Skirt! Welcome back to the land of sewing. I don’t know about you, but the thing I really needed for my witchy, Victoir-edwardian history bounding wardrobe is a basic walking skirt. And since I just happened to have some heavy-weight linen laying around…. Here we… Read more: Video: Making an Edwardian Skirt (and Bustle Pad!)
  • A Yuletide Scribal Interlude
    IN WHICH our intrepid recreatrix takes a step back, mulls some cider, dresses up, and creates an achievement of arms for her partner as a solstice gift. It’s been a rough year. Enjoy this calm interlude and wonderful music.


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