Commission Rates
Fully illuminated scroll: $15/hour, $100 minimum due in advance.
Calligraphy only (late period legal scrolls not included): $0.10/word, $25 minimum. Decorative initials, additional ink colors, and flourishes are extra, to be negotiated, starting at $5 per additional feature.
Other scribal projects (illumination only, paintings, miniatures, etc): Negotiated individually, with base rate of $15/hour.
Materials are not included in the hourly/per-word estimates above. An invoice with labor and materials breakdown will be tendered upon completion of the item.
Lead time: Minimum lead time is one month. More complex or larger projects (scrolls made with medieval materials, full-size peerage scrolls, and very complicated designs) may require two or three months lead time. When in doubt, contact early. Rush jobs MAY be considered on a case-by case basis, but any commission with less than a month lead time will automatically be charged time-and-a-half.
Commission Queue: Trello Board
Other Calligraphy and Illumination projects can be found here.