

Handmade trims for Nick’s fighting and court doublets. And thread-covered buttons for the latter. Now to have it all done by Queen’s, on May eleventh. Why do I do this to myself?

Passimenterie Read Post »

Letters of Intent

Letters of intent for Nick’s rapier teacher and fellow student. Illumination and calligraphy by me. I did one for Nick, too, but neglected to take a picture of it. I’ll see if I can fine one that someone else took… Edit: I found one I took to show Nick what it looked like (he was

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Compass Rose Cup Cover

A while back, I got tired of getting leaves and bugs in my cup at SCA events and made myself a cup cover. In the same post, you’ll see that I started one for Nick, too, but I never liked it. The design is good, but the colors and progression I chose for it was,

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Anglo-Saxon Tunic

A while ago, I made an Anglo-Saxon-ish tunic for Nick.  It’s a relatively easy thing to make, and an easy thing to throw on for a last minute event. The problem I have with most T-tunics is that they look plain and hastily thrown together.  So, in an attempt to avoid that, I decided to

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