November 2013


As you may have noticed, I have kind of fallen of the NaBloPoMo wagon. Usually it’s not too bad, but this year I have two blogs, an active two-year-old, and several more commitments than I have had in the past. So I’m giving myself permission to stop. I’ll still be posting multiple times weekly, but

Oops. Read Post »

New Scribal Supplies

Well, I’ve rather gotten to the point where I cans reveal anything else of the scroll until after it’s presented. Well, I could show you the bottom border, but it’s not finished yet. So instead, have a quick shot of my new fun supplies: 23K double gold leaf. Gilded scrolls, here I come!

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Infallible Spell: Completed

Since this piece has been received (and approved!) by the commissioner, I can talk about this now. My friend Mel wanted a small piece showing the Infallible Spell for Beauty from CS Lewis’ Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Only the top part of the text was written in the book. The other words are crappily

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Teal and Orange Bliaut

I finished the teal and orange bliaut. Did I even talk about it here? God, I’m such a bad blogger. Okay, so my friend Cecilie is doing a vow renewal this coming spring, at our local Renaissance Festival, which is Robin Hood themed. So she wants everyone to be dressed in 12th century garb. Since

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Gilding the Lily

I got some new gilding substrate recently, miniatum, and I wanted to test it out. I made a basic ‘a’ letterform, gently raised, to gild. I waited for it to dry, then used some fairly inexpensive Thai gold I got on eBay to test it out. As you can see, it worked perfectly, resulting in

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