New Embroidery Project
Gearing up to start a new embroidery project: an embroidery kit for someone in the SCA. There will be a pouch (that’s what this is), a scissor fob, and a needle-roll. I can’t wait to start!
New Embroidery Project Read Post »
Gearing up to start a new embroidery project: an embroidery kit for someone in the SCA. There will be a pouch (that’s what this is), a scissor fob, and a needle-roll. I can’t wait to start!
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Remember that cup-cover I did for Edmund? With the compass-Tudor rose motif? I’d gotten some interest from a historical embroidery group on FaceBook for the pattern, and I thought I’d post it. I don’t mind if it gets shared elsewhere, but please credit and link back here.
Roses Embroidery Pattern Read Post »
So, I am planning to take some pictures of this awesome pouch that aren’t Instagram ones. Really. But for now, here’s the finished jobby.
Finished up the embroidery on the double-eagle pouch and I’m sewing up according to Racaire’s beautiful tutorial.
I read a lot of Heinlein novels. Which leads me to say that I will never ever think of a double eagle without thinking of this coin, which was gifted to Maureen by her father on her wedding day. Which doesn’t have anything to do with this post, except that this project features a double-headed eagle. I’d been
A while back, I got tired of getting leaves and bugs in my cup at SCA events and made myself a cup cover. In the same post, you’ll see that I started one for Nick, too, but I never liked it. The design is good, but the colors and progression I chose for it was,
Compass Rose Cup Cover Read Post »
Every so often, I feel like trying card weaving again. This was both an exercise in weaving with smaller diameter thread (each “thread” was two strands of embroidery floss) and an excuse to make some trim for a baby tunic for Poppet. Two birds and all that. I used two small lengths of zip-tie to
So, I know I’ve been gone for a couple months. I’m sorry about that. My first trimester was terribly hard on me; it felt like I was hung over for four months. Yes, four. My morning sickness lasted all day and didn’t abate until well into the fourth month, after my doctor prescribed me some
So, I finished some projects yesterday. Since moving to Austin, we haven’t had a chance to do anything SCA-related. Well, that’s not entirely true. We have been going to the Tuesday night fighter practices, but nobody (except the fighters) dresses up or anything. Next weekend there’s a Land Court, wherein we all dress up and