Double Eagle

I read a lot of Heinlein novels. Which leads me to say that I will never ever think of a double eagle without thinking of this coin, which was gifted to Maureen by her father on her wedding day. Which doesn’t have anything to do with this post, except that this project features a double-headed eagle.

Double Eagle

I’d been wanting to make a project for my friend Marc for some time, which is kind of funny, ’cause I tend to be a selfish crafter. But Marc is very kind and just getting back into the SCA, and I wanted part of his kit to be something he would really cherish. So I decided to make him a lovely embroidered belt pouch. And even though you can only see it just a wee bit, this project is stretched on one of my Christmas presents to me: an American Dream scroll frame. I love it. Unlike hoops, I can stitch with a hand on either side at once, and the tension is maintained much more evenly, especially after I sewed the edges with spare perl cotton.

Double Eagle

Part of his intended device (coat of arms) is a double headed eagle, so I went searching for one that was vaguely Teutonic and not something that looked like it belonged on currency of some denomination. I settled on a design lifted from a 15th century banner. It’s worked in a kind of long-and-short stich that loks a little like feathers. I intend to couch some silver thread around the edges as a outline and add silver French knot eyes.

Double Eagle

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