Wordless Wednesday: Avery’s Shield
Wordless Wednesday: Avery’s Shield Read Post »
After seeing a series of amazing videos (but particularly parts 5a and 5b), I wanted to practice some whitework. One of the ways I do that is to make decorative borders and versals on small pieces of paper for my Baron and Baroness to use as note cards. I figure that sort of thing is
A friend of mine, Alden Drake, received his (very well deserved) Pelican at Laurel’s Prize Tourney. I had been planning on making him a gift of a cup cover with his badge on it, but since his badge is a half-white, half-black dragon (with teeth and claws and spines and wings) on a half-black, half-white
A week ago, I had the opportunity to attend what is probably my favorite event, Laurel’s Prize Tourney. It’s an Arts and Sciences event, but not a competition. Rather, it’s a body of work event, where artisans bring what they’ve been working on for the last year or so, and Laurels sign up to sit
Laurel’s Prize Tourney Read Post »
I have been informed several times in the last couple of days that I am knitting sweaters for ants. They will be the most well-dressed ants in the kingdom, and we will have ant fashion week and fashion shows and everything. (For the record, these are size 6-0, that’s 000000, needles; they’re .75mm. The swatch
As you may or may not be able to tell, I’m gearing up to make a new version of the Egyptian Stockings, with some more-authentic materials than I used last time. Another thing I’m trying to do is make sure that my research is even more solid than it was last time, and that means
Remember my indigo dyeing adventure last time? And how it didn’t turn out so well for my cotton yarn? Well, after I got it all untangled, I decided to bite the bullet and dye it again. Of course my hands turned blue again… But I got a darker yarn. Here you can see the difference
Indigo Dyeing, take two Read Post »