So, I said earlier that I’ve been doing a bunch of reenactment stuff lately. In the interests of posting some of that stuff too, I give you my first real embroidery project. Okay, at least my first project that it 100% covered in stitches.
It was going to be a pouch decoration, but when I made the pouch, I discovered I didn’t much like the way it was put together. So I’m going to cut it off and use it as a patch on a properly-put-together-pouch. Probably for Nick, if he wants it.
Overall, I’m pretty pleased with it. I did the outlines first, then the medallions. I had a problem with stitch tension and number of stitches per inch, which resulted in the puckering of the medallions. But for a first attempt? I’m pretty pleased with it.
A foreshortened view of an almost-complete patch that shows some of what I was talking about with the puckering. I think I’ve figured out how and why that happens, though, so as to avoid it in the future. I’m working on embroidering the neckline of Nick’s orange tunic in similar colors. I’ll post some pictures of it later.
your embroidery looks lovely – a great first attempt 🙂