Calligraphy & Illumination

New Project

Starting to practice for a new project. It’s only kind of a secret, in that the recipient knows it’s coming, but wants to be surprised at the end. So I’ll be posting little sneak peeks, but nothing revealing until it’s in his hands. For now, though, have a glimpse of my lettering practice.

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New Scribal Supplies

Well, I’ve rather gotten to the point where I cans reveal anything else of the scroll until after it’s presented. Well, I could show you the bottom border, but it’s not finished yet. So instead, have a quick shot of my new fun supplies: 23K double gold leaf. Gilded scrolls, here I come!

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Infallible Spell: Completed

Since this piece has been received (and approved!) by the commissioner, I can talk about this now. My friend Mel wanted a small piece showing the Infallible Spell for Beauty from CS Lewis’ Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Only the top part of the text was written in the book. The other words are crappily

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Gilding the Lily

I got some new gilding substrate recently, miniatum, and I wanted to test it out. I made a basic ‘a’ letterform, gently raised, to gild. I waited for it to dry, then used some fairly inexpensive Thai gold I got on eBay to test it out. As you can see, it worked perfectly, resulting in

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An Infallible Spell

Quick preview for a project I’ve been working on. Firstly, I’ve gotten a bunch of period, or period-like (no lead-white, please!) pigments. I’ve been putting them all in their own little seashells, mixed up with gum arabic and glair (an egg-white binder) and making a reference sheet for later. And remember how I said that

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Wedding Calligraphy

Two of my friends got married last weekend, at the Fall Event for my Barony. The gentleman who performed the marriage contacted me to ask if I would be willing to calligraph the ceremony, and of course I said yes. I wanted something simple, where the words themselves would be the decoration. I settled on

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Whitework Versal

After seeing a series of amazing videos (but particularly parts 5a and 5b), I wanted to practice some whitework. One of the ways I do that is to make decorative borders and versals on small pieces of paper for my Baron and Baroness to use as note cards. I figure that sort of thing is

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